Thursday, December 3, 2009

I Love You... Really?

As I look at the cuff purchased by my wife, I ponder the words written on it. It reads, "Love is patient. Love is kind. Love has no end." Within the parameters of that definition, few have truly experienced love. Surely, we all have had individuals tell us they love us. As a matter of fact, nothing warms the heart more than the three words, "I love you." There is no other word in the English language as powerful as the word love. If you don't believe it, just look in a thesaurus and see if we can replace love with any other word and maintain the same emotion as when "I love you" is said. Let's try it... "I adore you". No, not the same feeling. How about "I cherish you". Not the words to make the heart melt, is it? Only "I love you" can make our pulse rise. We easily accept it when others say those words to us. Oftentimes, we never question their spoken love. We presume upon it and reciprocate. Unfortunately, we frequently find that their love is not patient, is not kind, and has end. Actually, it is safe to say they never loved us.

How does one know for sure if they are truly loved? Love needs to be tested. Not by our constantly questioning those professing their affection. Of course their reply would be, "sure, I love you". Sadly, those words are rarely heartfelt. The true test comes through trials. We all hate to experience trials, but they are necessary to life. Without them, how will we know how far our "loved ones" will extend their "love" for us? Oprah Winfrey once stated, "Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." How many of those around you will be there with their bus token in hand?

Interestingly, it is easy to examine the love others have for us. For some, this leads to paranoia, and believing any and all love shown us is for some reason of conspiracy. But, we also have to examine our own love and motives. Let the words on my cuff be our mirror and look at ourselves. Are we kind? Do we demonstrate patience? Will we unnecessarily end relationships? In other words, do we truly love others? It is rewarding if we do. You can give away dollars and cents and become poor, but no one is ever poor by giving love.

As the holidays arrive, this is a time most people think of loving and giving of themselves in gift form. Don't allow one day to fill you with joy. Joyously live by giving love the other 364 days of the year (of course one extra day of love on the leap years). Also, demand those around you to live by the true meaning of love as well. Never allow yourself to comprimise and except half-heartedness from anyone. Allow trials to ensure the love of those surrounding you. When ones show their true colors and possibly break from your fold, it may hurt for the moment, but you are rewarded by having only the best and most loving in your corner.

Yes, readers, we can't control what others say...but, the next time we say "I love you", let's make sure we mean it. "Love wasn't put in your heart to stay. Love isn't love until you give it away."-Jules Renard

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting comments. Naturally after reading, one thinks of his own actions and if they manifest the quality you've been speaking of. I spent a few momments thinking of the "obligation". Perhaps a lot of our actions appear to be loving, but are only done so out of feelings of obligation. At least it appears so for me after some reflection! Maybe some of my actons are based on principle, and the other half are because of actually having some type of endearing affection for an individual.
