Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness."--Richard Carlson

Unfortunately, with life comes it's own disappointments. Sometimes we seem to dwell on those more than life's accomplishments and joys. That is the difference between happiness and anguish. Some die within themselves through heartache, depression, and stress. Others accept the things life hands them and move on. Which will you do?

We live in a time of consistant uncertainty. People are losing their jobs, homes, possessions, and families. Just recently I spoke with a gentleman who was a highline real estate agent. He managed and sold multi-million dollar estates. Just recently, he was laid off from his job, lost his home, wife left him, and he had to move in with his parents, cross-country, at age 35. Surprisingly, he was positive in his demeanor. He constantly looked forward as he applied for more jobs and worked to get his personal life in order. Not one time did he reflect on the things lost in his conversation. Truly, that is the correct frame of mind if going through stressful events. Keep your head up and eyes focused forward.

This is important to remember as things fiscally seem as though they will get a lot worse before they improve. The right frame of mind adds to reducing stress. Yes, we cannot let stress into our lives as it has the tendancy to take over. It is like a cancer which will eat you up inside and leave you bare. Wayne Dyer once said: "It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized."

Although the avoidance of stress seems easier said than done, it can be accomplished. One has to accept the things he cannot change, and focus on removing oneself from stressful events and circumstances. Also, when life's events creates changes, learn to reinvent yourself. One of the most respected people in my life was my high school principal, Willarena Williams, who once spoke at a graduation about reinventing oneself. She stated: "Life will bring tribulations. Do not succomb. Reinvent yourself if the way you live has become difficult. Do you think that I dreamed as a child of becoming your principal? Do you think I studied in school and maintained the Deans List to become your principal? Although proud to be your principal, it was not my first choice. I had to reinvent myself." Words to live by, wouldn't you agree?

Again, walk away from exasperating events and allow your mind freeness to create. Stress will immobilize and cripple. Make sure that, even though you might have to get through a change, you keep in mind that it is temporary. Better times will be ahead, although it might be hard to see right now. Keep your head up and eyes focused ahead. Life moves on!

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Stress is crippling even though we know to try to keep our heads up and remain focused, but the "reinventing oneself" I find intriguing...I'm attempting to map out a new path for myself and family while I'm on the upside again.
