Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Await Tomorrow Happily!

Each day approximately 280,000 people do not awaken. Those of us who have the privilege to see the next day should find happiness and joy in that alone. But, the sad reality is that we are all bombarded with so much that life hands us daily that we rarely find a moment to reflect on the exuberance of life. Oftentimes, instead of a jovial spirit, we are saddened to see a day come. In the musical Annie, the lead sings the familiar words: "tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow". But how many of us have that sentiment for the coming day? Our love for tomorrow may not run as deep as Annie's. Why? Because, many days arrive with much chagrin. For instance, we may be anxious because a certain date is approaching inwhich we have to pay a bill that we have no idea of how it will get paid. Or, maybe it is the day the boss has deadlines for a certain work assignment. Possibly it is the day we see the dentist for a painful procedure. Whatever the reason, that day brings anxiety instead of zestful merriment.

How many days can you count inwhich you took the time to notice a sunrise or sunset? How many times have you thrown restraint into the wind and took a nature hike or a family day at the zoo on a weekday? Can your family name a moment you casually took them to an amusement park? How many of the 280,000 that did not rise today would have regretted those opportunities? Or if they had the chance to live life all over again, would turn down the chance?

With that in mind, we should view every second of life as precious and seek happiness. Wake up each day and think of three things that make you happy. Also, think of one thing that you are going to do for yourself that brings joy. I once worked an extremely taxing job. The stress level was unbelievable. I decided each day after work I would drive to my favorite drive thru and get an ice cream cone. Pretty soon I began to look forward to that $.50 ice cream cone. When customers or the boss would make unreal demands of me, I would smile. They would be happy seeing me smile and carry out their demands, but the whole while I know I'm smiling because once I'm away from them, I would have the chance to have my treat. Now, the ice cream cone is mine so you will have to think of that single thing you can do for yourself to bring a smile through adversity. In addition, make those around you delighted with your presence, especially those you care for the most. It is amazing how contagious gaieties are. If others are blissful because of your deeds, you will be content as well.

Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Because of that fact, let us enjoy each day to the full and keep worry and apprehension to a minimum. Problems will come since they are unavoidable, but may we not become consumed with them. Thus, we can enjoy life's experiences with the joviality and laughter of a child in his innocence. With happiness as our objective, how can tomorrow go wrong?

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