Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One who does not accept correction succombs to corruption

It is not far-fetched to state that none of us love correction. Punishment of any kind for prior mistakes was surely not enjoyable. Growing up, I had what many parents call a "fast mouth." Well, let's just call it what it is, quick wit. Hey, I found it to be either a blessing or a curse. It was a blessing because I was never short of words whether in a debate or for using a pick up line. It was a curse because I said exactly what was on my mind. Of course, that never pleases parents. My mother has several stories she tells my friends of how my "fast mouth" led to even faster punishment. Well, like it or not, her punishment provided me with the correction I needed. Now I temper that quick wit. I watch my words carefully. No, I am not perfect, but I remember my mother's words which were used to guide my words. In other words, I accepted correction.

Today, too few want to be corrected. They would rather walk the line and call it freedom. If you offer advice or give any sort of nudge in the correct way, they look at you like you have three heads. Sad, and so because their so-called freedom imprisons those around them. Well, one thing is for sure, if someone never accepts correction in any form, he will become corrupt. Is that the reason why we see so much corruption today? Think about it. When the word corruption came up in a conversation years past, it usually was used in reference to a politician. That is a shame within itself too since these are the men and women running our country, but now that word is used in reference to our religious leaders and organizations, Wall Street advisors, insurance agents and companies, collegiate institutions, and the list is endless. Why? Why are we bombarded with shameless corruption in every direction? Because, none of the individuals or institutions that ended up corrupt heeded correction on a moral level. NONE! If your state or federal representative was imprisoned, chances are someone tried to help him walk the moral way to no avail. If your pastor or your religious organization thinks it is so close to God that only He can correct them, you can wrap your arms around the fact that corruption is quickly becoming a part of it's DNA. Which leads us to the theory of why we as a country are flooded with debt...corruption of insurance companies, banks, and Wall Street advisors. Many on the opposing side of these bankers and insurance companies say there were warnings given years ago to change the corrupting ways of greed. Needless to say, those warnings were not heeded.

In short, correction is needed. We must embrace it! Children, accept the discipline of well-meaning parents and teachers. Parents, raise your children with good moral conscience and discipline them in love so they can remember why not to walk a course. They should not avoid a course out of fear but out of knowledge. Politicians, listen to your inner conscience and listen to the moral, honest constituents around you and not your pocketbook. Bankers, walk to the beat of the public drum and avoid the schemes that drain the whole and enrich the few. Religionists, accept the fact that all paths to God are not straight, clear cut paths without potholes. Thus, to think your religion or your view is "the correct one" needing no refinement will lead you down a path of ruination as well.

Let's all work on ourselves, accept correction and strive to avoid the pitfalls of corruption.